“Challenging You to Grow...
Equipping YOU to win...
Preparation for Manifestation”
Where Real Life Meets the Word of God"
Youth Bible Study for all ages every Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. This is Bible Study where youth can learn and discuss the truths of God's Word in a peer group setting. It is here that youth are taught the Word of God and how to make it applicable to everyday life. Topics have included: Game Plan - Setting Goals for Life; Sexy Girls - How Hot is Too Hot; Every Young Man's Battle; Tattoos; Friendship Connections and many more. Classes are currently available for High School, Middle School and Upper Elementary.
Linconia Tabernacle Christian Center 2460 Paris Avenue. Trevose, PA 19053 215.245.9051 Phone 215.245.4333 Fax
© 2014