“Challenging You to Grow...
                        Equipping YOU to win...
                                  Preparation for Manifestation”


Young Adult Fellowship

The purpose of this ministry is to help young adults connect to one another; strengthen their commitment to Christ, and to Linconia. Through the fellowship, the goal is to provide support and be a resource for each other. We want to meet with you all, to hang out, have some fun and to let you know what we would like to accomplish through this ministry, but more importantly we want to hear from you about what you would like to do. 


Join us this year for any one of our events below.


Friday, June 12th Cafe Night at Convocation
July (Date TBA) Summer Festival/Concert at LTCC, sponsored by Pastor Sam and Youth Ministry
Saturday, Oct. 19th Volunteering in the Food Pantry at St. Peter's Church in Old City 7am-10am
Friday, Dec. 11th End of the Year Get Together/Party @ LTCC Fellowship Hall


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Linconia Tabernacle Christian Center     2460 Paris Avenue. Trevose, PA 19053     215.245.9051 Phone  215.245.4333 Fax
©  2014
