“Challenging You to Grow...
                        Equipping YOU to win...
                                  Preparation for Manifestation”


Men's Ministry (Men of Valor)

The mission of this ministry is to build men and add to the Kingdom of God by introducing non-believers to the Body of Christ and helping them grow; for those that know God, we provide a setting that encourages all men to confidentially discuss challenges they may be facing. 

Through the Word of God, personal experience and the leading of the Holy Spirit, we are able to find biblical solutions that will enable strongholds to be broken which will promote spiritual growth.

Our motto is IRON SHARPENS IRON which means that we need each other in order to remain strong in the Lord.

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Linconia Tabernacle Christian Center     2460 Paris Avenue. Trevose, PA 19053     215.245.9051 Phone  215.245.4333 Fax
©  2014
