“Challenging You to Grow...
                        Equipping YOU to win...
                                  Preparation for Manifestation”


Children's Church Ministry

This ministry is designed to reach out to children ages 4 - 10 yrs old with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We meet the 2nd Sunday of each month. Our ultimate goal is to have every child who attends accept Jesus as Savior. Our immediate goal is to help children discover and fall in love with the Word and desire to seek God for their spiritual gifts. We aim to do this by teaching the Word of God through age-appropriate Bible lessons with corresponding activities. The children are taught and encouraged to lead in prayer, praise and worship and read passages of scripture. Allotting children this opportunity helps them to appreciate the work of the ministries in the church and prayerfully causes them to be willing workers for God.


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Linconia Tabernacle Christian Center     2460 Paris Avenue. Trevose, PA 19053     215.245.9051 Phone  215.245.4333 Fax
©  2014
