Annandale News & Nature

Tufted Titmouse with Winterberries, painting by S.L. Wendt @

The Garden Path: Enhance Your Outdoor Oasis: Exploring the Benefits of Synthetic Turf 

The Garden Path: Designing with Raised Garden Beds


VIEW ON NATURE:  One with Nature

VIEW ON NATURE: Clarion CallMasters of Disguise

VIEW ON NATURE: Old-Growth Greatness

Green Spring Gardens: Moon Gate Project

VIEW ON NATURE: Otherworldly...

The Garden Path: Ten Best Winter Trees

VIEW ON NATURE: Will You Walk Into My Parlour?

The Garden Path: Front Yard Landscaping for Fall

VIEW ON NATURE: After the Downpour

The Garden Path: Summer Landscaping Projects

VIEW ON NATURE:  Dead of Winter...How do Those Critters Make it to Spring?

The Garden Path: Get Ready for Spring

Spring Baby Boom: Keep Young Wildlife Healthy and Wild

Native Seedling Sale 2022


VIEW ON NATURE: Master of Concealment

Find Where Native Animals Live in the Forest

A Favorite Fishing Hole


NATURE: Bear Necessities

VIEW ON NATURE: Different Feathers Flock Together

VIEW ON NATURE: Flying Dragons

VIEW ON NATURE: Wash Your Mind

VIEW ON NATURE: Wily Invaders

VIEW ON NATURE: Holy Allegheny Alligators!

VIEW ON NATURE: Virginia’s Forgotten Fruit

VIEW ON NATURE: Secrets of the Forest

VIEW ON NATURE:  Nevermore

VIEW ON NATURE: In Plain Sight

VIEW ON NATURE: The Original Natural Foods

VIEW ON NATURE:  Virginia Bluebells Herald Spring

VIEW ON NATURE:  Our Small FriendsPupusas Express, Columbia PIke, Annandale

VIEW ON NATURE: Yesterday's Legend

VIEW ON NATURE: Beware of the Wild

VIEW ON NATURE: Virginia’s Hard-as-Nails Tribute …from Jamestown Onward

VIEW ON NATURE: The Web of Life

VIEW ON NATURE:  Our Delicate Beauties

VIEW ON NATURE:  Before Virginia

VIEW ON NATURE:  Wrong Place - Wrong Time

VIEW ON NATURE: Now and Then

Annual Native Seedling Sale

Our Once Bountiful American Chestnut Tree

Black Bears in the Area

BEAR IN MIND:  The American Black Bear in Fairfax County



The Annandale Chamber of Commerce
Read the ENDEAVOR News Magazine for articles of interest about Annandale. 
Reproduction of articles or photographs on this website, in whole or in part, requires written the permission of the Author or the ENDEAVOR NEWS MAGAZINE

(Copyright © 2012 Annandale Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved.  (Photographs & images, on this page, and on this website, are not available for use by other publications, blogs, individuals, websites, or social media sites.)

Virginia is for Outdoor Lovers

Eastern Whip-Poor-Will at Maggee Marsh, Ohio  Photo by Tony Castro Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

Moon Gate ProjectChestnuts, photo credit Stephen L. Wendt

	Foraging cherry millipede_ Page county_ VA. Photograph by Stephen Wendt

enomous Southern Black Widow Spider

Box Turtle

The Endeavor News Magazine

False Indigo Bush

Creative Commons CCO 1.0 _ Jasper.Wapiti-Hirsch

	Tobacco hornworm caterpillar_ Luray_ Virginia. Photo by Stephen L. Wendt

American Black Bear (Greg Hume)

Buzzard Bay, Upper Potomac by S. Wendt

Dawn in the Spring Forest of VA

Virginia Blue Bells by Virginia Blue Bells by Catie Drew, Wikipedia, Wikipedia

Osage Oranges with Stick Insect

Web of Life

Bears in Luray, VA

Showy Lady Slipper-Wikipedia

Wood Thrush Nesting

(Copyright © 2012 Annandale Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved.  (Photographs & images, on this page, and on this website, are not available for use by other publications, blogs, individuals, websites, or social media sites.)  Photographs are from private collections, the ACC arcive, Wikipedia and government agency sources.


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